Tuesday, November 19, 2013

JUPITER..The monster planet...

About 778,500,000 km far away from the sun,the monster of our solar system,Jupiter raise its legend & orbit the sun like a king.Jupiter is the fifth & the largest planet of the solar system.If we count with the earth,there about 1500 Earths fit in Jupiter.

It takes 12 Earth years to orbit our sun & 10 hours to spin of its own.
Jupiter is a gas giant composed of a bout 90% hydrogen and 9.99% helium with a few other trace elements thrown in for fun. The gaseous nature of the planet makes a solid surface impossible.Jupiter has a faint ring of its own.Jupiter has a huge amount satellite.We can discover about 63 moons of Jupiter. The largest four are called Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.We also know them as Galilean satellites.Because in 1610 sir Galileo Galilei  first discover them.These four moon has different types of categories.Io has a lot of active volcanoes and is covered with sulfur.Europa's surface is very cracked & icy,may also have a liquid water ocean.Ganymede,the largest moon in the solar system with a diameter of 3,260 miles.Callisto may be carrying water under its icy cracked surface. The other small moons are thought to be asteroids which were caught by Jupiter's strong gravity

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