Monday, November 25, 2013

Kuiper belt and oort cloud.....

                                                     Kuiper belt

Kuiper belt ,It is similar to the asteroid belt, but it is far larger 20 times as wide and 20 to 200 times as massive.The Kuiper Belt is located at around 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion km) from the sun and extends several billion miles.It was discovered in 1992.The Kuiper Belt is a comet-rich area of our solar system that begins near the orbit of Neptune and continues beyond PlutoThe Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud are regions of space.The known icy worlds and comets in both regions are much smaller than Earth's moon.There may be are hundreds of thousands of icy bodies larger than 100 km (62 miles) and an estimated trillion or more comets within the Kuiper Belt. The Oort Cloud may contain more than a trillion icy bodies.Some dwarf planets within the Kuiper Belt have thin atmospheres that collapse when their orbit carries them farthest from the sun.Pluto & Sedna r also the object of Kuiper belt.The Oort Cloud,its begins at 750 billion km from the sun and ends at the very edge of our solar system, almost 1 light year from the sun. It is a massive spherical cloud containing billions of icy bodies. Occasionally these bodies get knocked out of their orbit and enter the inner solar system, they then become comets. Although some comets originate from the Kuiper Belt most come from the Oort Cloud. Both the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud are named for the astronomers who predicted their existence during the 1950s: Gerard Kuiper and Jan Oort.

Pluto & Sedna.....


Pluto & Sedna, two dwarf planets in a very far away from our sun.In ancient Greek religion and myth, Pluto was a name for the ruler of the underworld, the god was also known as Hades, the name of the underworld itself,& the brother of Jupiter(Zeus). Sedna is a very significant figure in Inuit mythology. There are a number of different versions of the myth of Sedna.Sedna is the Inuit Goddess of the Sea.Pluto's surface is one of the coldest places in the solar system at roughly minus 375 degrees F (minus 225 degrees C).It was 1st discovered in 1930.Its about 4.4–7.4 billion km far from the Sun.Pluto was originally classified as the ninth planet from the Sun.Sedna,on 15 March 2004, astronomers from Caltech, Gemini Observatory, and Yale University announced the discovery of the coldest, most distant object known to orbit the sun. The object was found at a distance 90 times greater than that from the sun to the earth -- about 3 times further than Pluto, the most distant known planet.Its about 90 AU (1 AU is an Astronomical Unit, the distance between the earth and the Sun)  far from our sun.Sedna's surface composition is similar to that of some other trans-Neptunian objects, being largely a mixture of water, methane and nitrogen ices with tholins. Its surface is one of the reddest in the Solar System.This two dwarf planets are the objects of Kuiper belt ...

Friday, November 22, 2013



 Neptune the god of sea,the brother of Jupiter. The eighth and farthest planet from the Sun.After the discovery of Uranus, it was noticed that its orbit was not as it should be in accordance with Newton's laws.It was therefore predicted that another more distant planet must be perturbing Uranus' orbit. Neptune was first observed by Galle and d'Arrest on 1846 Sept 23.Neptune is the 4th largest planet in the solar system.Or we can say a most gorgeous planet in solar system.It is 4.5 billion km (2.8 billion miles) far from our sun.From the earth it just looks like a star.Its magnetic Field roughly 27 times more powerful than Earth's.Neptune orbit our sun once in 165 Earth years.Like the other gas giants, Neptune does not have a solid surface. Neptune is mostly made of a very thick, very hot combination of water (H2O), ammonia (NH3), and methane (CH4) over a possible heavier, approximately Earth-sized, solid core.The temperature at its surface is about 38 K (−235.2 °C).Neptune has thirteen moons, and their names are the following: Triton, Proteus, Nereid, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe, and Neso.Among them Triton is the largest & discovered by William Lassell on October 10, 1846, just 17 days after the discovery of Neptune itself.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Uranus....The god of sky.........



Uranus,The god of sky.In Greek mythology  Uranus was the 1st & only god of sky,the son of Gaea, & and husband of Earth. He was also the king of the gods until he was overthrown by his son Saturn.In solar system,Uranus is the seventh plane from the sun.In size it is the third icy giant planet who orbit our sun about 84.02 Earth years in a distance of 1.783,939,400 miles (average). Uranus  was the first planet to be discovered with the use of a telescope.It was discovered by William Herschel in March 13th in the year of 1781.Its surface temperature is -197 °C.The atmosphere of Uranus is composed mostly of Hydrogen and Helium with a small amount of Methane (H2, He and CH4). The minimum atmospheric temperature of Uranus is -224°C making it the coldest planet in the solar system. Uranus has 27 moons.Among them Tatiania,Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda are the largest & Belinda, Bianca, Caliban, Cordelia, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Ophelia, Portia, Puck, and Rosalind are the smallest.Uranus also has rings, though they don't stretch out as far as the rings of Saturn. The rings of Uranus are made up of black dust particles and large rocks.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Saturn..The ring monster......


Saturn, Latin Saturnus,  in Roman religion, the god of sowing or seed.Saturn, its astronomical symbol () represents the god's sickle.Saturn is the sixth planet of sun & 2nd largest planet of solar system after Jupiter.Its about 1.4 billion km (886 million miles) far from our sun.Every 29 earth years Saturn orbit around our sun & 10.7 hours to spin its own. Saturn is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that of Earth.It has 96.3 percent molecular hydrogen, 3.25 percent helium, minor amounts of methane, ammonia, hydrogen deuteride, ethane, ammonia ice aerosols, water ice aerosols, ammonia hydro-sulfide aerosols.Saturn has a amazing ring around it. When look at the ring at a distance away,it looks like a disk.But if we come closer & look it than i wil find out its reality.The ring nothing but a huge amount of icy rocks.

                                                 Saturn's Ring from closer

 If we count them than Saturn has enormous amount of moons that no other planet have its own in the solar system.We could name a few like,," Pan, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimethius , Janus, Mimas, Enchiladas,Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione , Helene, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, Phoebe etc.Among them Titan is the largest moon of Saturn.In 1610, the year after Galileo Galilee first turned a telescope to the sky, he became the very first person to observe Saturn's rings, though he could not see them well enough to discern their true nature. In 1655, Christiana Huygens was the first person to describe them as a disk surrounding Saturn.Saturn has a magnetic field about 578 times more powerful than Earth's.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

JUPITER..The monster planet...

About 778,500,000 km far away from the sun,the monster of our solar system,Jupiter raise its legend & orbit the sun like a king.Jupiter is the fifth & the largest planet of the solar system.If we count with the earth,there about 1500 Earths fit in Jupiter.

It takes 12 Earth years to orbit our sun & 10 hours to spin of its own.
Jupiter is a gas giant composed of a bout 90% hydrogen and 9.99% helium with a few other trace elements thrown in for fun. The gaseous nature of the planet makes a solid surface impossible.Jupiter has a faint ring of its own.Jupiter has a huge amount satellite.We can discover about 63 moons of Jupiter. The largest four are called Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.We also know them as Galilean satellites.Because in 1610 sir Galileo Galilei  first discover them.These four moon has different types of categories.Io has a lot of active volcanoes and is covered with sulfur.Europa's surface is very cracked & icy,may also have a liquid water ocean.Ganymede,the largest moon in the solar system with a diameter of 3,260 miles.Callisto may be carrying water under its icy cracked surface. The other small moons are thought to be asteroids which were caught by Jupiter's strong gravity

Asteroid belt

                                          Asteroid Belt

About (186-370 million miles) away from the Sun, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is a region called the Asteroid Belt. This region is a  ring of tens of thousands of relatively small rocky objects called Asteroid belt.Asteroid belt contain various types of asteroid.An asteroid is a bit of rock. It can be thought of as what was "left over" after the Sun and all the planets were formed.It is that unfinished objects that never able to from into a planet.